Sunday, May 31, 2009


Francisco's diptychs

Exquisite Corpse Storytelling II: Fire Alarm

Story created through a surrealist game, the exquisite corpse.

She woke up in a really bad mood that day. She hadn't studied and was supposed to take a test that would decide whether she plassed her Algebra class or not. She was walking down the hall trying to think of a way to get out of taking the test when she saw a bright red fire alarm calling her. She walked toward the alarm like a magnet. When she got to the alarm she pulled it and when she did it shot ink all over her hands. She went to the bathroom to try and wash it off but it wouldn't come off. she went to class and thought nothing of it but when she got to class the school police were there checking everyones hands for the ink when she realize what they were doing she freaked so she confessed. The police took her in and decided what her punishment was.

Exquisite Corpse Storytelling: The Trailer

The class played a version of the surrealist game "The Exquisite Corpse" by responding to the following photo. Each student added to the composition by creating a fictional story that responded to the photo.
The little boy was in his motor home speeding away like a bat out of hell. he had to be at least 129 miles an hour. he was eating a burrito he started to choke on a bean. he swallowed the bean but he hit a cop car and he drove away he had a under cover cop on his tail. the cop started to shout his gun he shout his arm he crashed and flipped the car and he ran and got away. At Which point the boy was relieved when he saw the flashing lights and the tremendous sound of the cop car exploding. Then he heard a bump, he thought it was a racoon at first but it was too loud to be a racoon. so he pulled over and to his amazement it was Gnome! the litle Gnome was unconciuos so he decided to wake him up. the Gnome said that he knew the secret to imortallity, and if the boy let him go he would tell him exactly how to achieve it. so the boy made a deal with this trustworthy Gnome. he said that first he must travel across the trecherous mountain path of Gowndonoland, which was convineantly located right behind them. then he must steal the gem of Argoss from the evil Jaberwocky. then he will bring this gem to an old sage who lives east of the mountain. the sage will then give him the elixer of immortality with the exchange of the gem and his SOUL!!!!!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Today I feel like a Diabla

Breakfast on the road.

This is where I work. Sun Valley Youth Arts Center

A teacher's work is never done.

garden bliss

Clothes, clothes clothes!!!

rest at last

Thursday, May 28, 2009




I was born and raised in this area


This is the entrance to the Belmont Tunnel.


This is my neighborhood market as far as I can remember my family has called this market "La Jediondita" meaning the smelly store. The reason why me and my sister started to call this store "la jedionditia" was because we noticed that it was different than our local Vons super market, it had different and distinct smells. All these years I had never noticed the sign "Farmers Market" just because I already new what to call it. Now as a conscious foods consumer I appreciate this store for its organic selection and for supporting local independent growers .


This is an abandoned building im my community.


Photobucket This is an abandoned house in my city. As you walk by you can not help but be overwhelmed by a strange vibe giving off by the unstable gate,the over grown brush and the dark red color of the house.


One of my favorite local Veggi burrito spots.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

First off my name is Allegra I am 16 yrs old and this is a day in my life.
One morning I was feeling very energetic and I went on a walk in my neighborhood.

This is a chair that is in my front yard and it is a place where my brothers, Julian and Wyatt, and me can go and relax after horsing around.

This is my neighbor’s house and they are older in age but they are very nice especially when our dog ZERO has ran into their yard while chasing cats.

This is a pile of leafs that I tripped in while I was walking on my street.

This is a school sign on my street. There is a Lutheran Church school down my street and one street over there is the elementary school and during the day there are lots of noises from the kids.

And now this is back at my house where it is peaceful and quiet.

The Wild Fires in the Valley

A nearby stream was very peaceful and nourishing.

After all the fires were finished with everything was born again.

A Day in the Life of Emily

I am looking out through the screen not thinking or worrying about anything.

After I woke up I went into the kitchen and watched my dad make pancakes which he makes every Saturday. They were yummy!

Also, with my breakfast I had some coffee made by my mama. She likes to make her coffee very strong.

I had rested for most of the day and then it was time for homework. Math. Ewwww!

My city North Hollywood

These are pics I took of my city.