Sunday, May 31, 2009

Exquisite Corpse Storytelling II: Fire Alarm

Story created through a surrealist game, the exquisite corpse.

She woke up in a really bad mood that day. She hadn't studied and was supposed to take a test that would decide whether she plassed her Algebra class or not. She was walking down the hall trying to think of a way to get out of taking the test when she saw a bright red fire alarm calling her. She walked toward the alarm like a magnet. When she got to the alarm she pulled it and when she did it shot ink all over her hands. She went to the bathroom to try and wash it off but it wouldn't come off. she went to class and thought nothing of it but when she got to class the school police were there checking everyones hands for the ink when she realize what they were doing she freaked so she confessed. The police took her in and decided what her punishment was.

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